Life SMS

Behave Royal And Smart With Everyone...
Always Behave Local And Silly With Your Dear One...
It's a Beautiful Secret 0f Best Relations..:)

Sometimes in life we feel so blue, but some1 somewhere is not as happy as U.
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps, missing his loved ones he silently weeps.
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs coz, her new born baby didnt open her eyes.
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries, when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.
Somewhere in an orphnage a little gal is sad, when she misses her mom & dad.
So at times a reason to smile u may not hav any, Just say to yourself that u r happier than many
Coz life is beautiful & its not always blue, & some1 somewhere is not as happy as U..!!

Millions of reasons to thank ALLAH:
¤ If you have food at your home, clothes to wear, a roof over your head & a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the entire world.
¤ If you have money in your wallet, a little change and can go anywhere you want, you are among the top 18% of the world's wealthy people.
¤ If you woke up in morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who are struggling for their survival in hospitals.
¤ If you actually 'READ' this message and understood it, you are more fortunate than the 3 billion people in the world who can't see or can't read.
¤ Life is not complaining about pain from others
It's about a thousand other reasons to thank ALLAH and say:

7 Lovely Logics:
1. Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present
2. What others think of u is none of ur business
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time some time
4. No one is a reason for your hapiness - except u
5. Dnt compare your life with others, you have no idea what their journey was all about
6. Stop thinking too much, it's al right nt to know all the answers
7. Smile - u dnt own all the problems in the world!
The fast and furious moment....!
when guests go out of the house
u run like a rocket to eat the things that were served to them.. :D
Life is a compromise between ur feelings and reality.
At every stage you have to quit ur feelings and accept the reality!