This question "Should I buy Nokia c3-01 Touch and Type" arise in every user when it comes to buy handset. If a user is searching for attractive and good looking phone with good sound quality than he must go for this phone. It is easy to use handset not confusing when it comes to use this handset but when using there are some issues like it has no smart dialing, no adequate storage out of the box, no accelerometer sensor, no document viewer. Although it has no video call camera but it has 5 mega pixel fixed-focus camera, VGA video recording.
If user is worried about his money than this phone is reasonable when user is looking for a handset at reasonable amount. The Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type is sluggish in places and fails when it tries to ape smart-phone features, but, compared to its cheap candy bar contemporaries, it cuts a fine figure. And the good thing is its connectivity which is overall positive. One more thing user will have to look that no doubt its built is neat and well built, slim, light and metal clad, 2.4" 256K-color resistive TFT QVGA touch screen but its screen is small for a touch phone. User can not do multitasking, this is also a minus point.
Bottom line s that Nokia C3-02 Touch and Type is a good looking and well built design phone but lacks in few features like no multitasking, no GPS, no smart dialing. User will have to keep these things in mind when buying Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type.