Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme Description:
**** Explanation ****
It’s Feeling Go launcher theme
- 100 icons
- 4 main wallpapers
- 2 app drawer wallpapers
- clock widjet (is not include theme)
How to use…
1. Search “Go launcher EX†and download and install
2. Install this theme
3. Run Go Laucher EX
4. Menu> preferences> theme preferences> choose
a this theme
Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme Details:
For Android OS v2.0 and higher
You need to install Go Launcher EX Application first in order to use Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme on your Android Phone. Click here to download Go Launcher EX.
How to Install Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme on your Device from PC
- Download the Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme installation file.
- Move downloaded file to your phone.
- Then run the installation file of the Feeling GO Launcher EX Android Theme.
- Wait for the installation to complete.