Download Free Android Game Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense
Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android GameStrategy Indie Offline Strategies TD All18.50 MB08 Aug, 2023

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Description:

Each level is a twisting maze, on the walls of which you can build various defensive towers and turrets. After a short period of time at the start given for preparation, various enemies will start moving through the maze. The player's task is to kill all enemies and protect the base. 8 types of turrets with different attack speed and damage types are avaliable. Enemies, conditionally marked as red geometric shapes, also have different movement speed, number of lives and immunity to certain types of ammunition. There are 50 levels and 3 types of difficulty. If the player is confident in his defense he can speed up the game several times at any time.

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Details:

Android 4.4 and higher

How to Install Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game on your Device from PC

  • Download the Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game installation file.
  • Move downloaded file to your phone.
  • Then run the installation file of the Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Images

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Image 1Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Image 2Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Image 3Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Image 4

Mini TD 2: Relax Tower Defense Android Game Promo

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