Download Free Android Game 12 LOCKS 3: Around The World

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World
12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android GameLogic Logic Puzzle All33.16 MB03 Apr, 2020

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Description:

According to the plot, the player goes to the open space from his spaceship and during his try to return he finds the hatch closed from outside with 12 locks. The task is to find the way to solve this problem. The game consists of several rooms with different tools, hidden objects and puzzles. In order the player's character can find a way to the ship, you will need to solve many tasks, ranging from fixing the wire to turning on the computer. There is the daughter of an astronaut who went to space and an alien present in the game.

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Details:

Android 4.0 and higher

How to Install 12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game on your Device from PC

  • Download the 12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game installation file.
  • Move downloaded file to your phone.
  • Then run the installation file of the 12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Images

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Image 112 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Image 212 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Image 312 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Image 412 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Image 5

12 LOCKS 3: Around The World Android Game Promo

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