Splinter Cell Conviction HD Android Game Description:
Splinter Cell - an interesting shooter from the first person created by the GameLoft company. You should play for Sam Fischer, who found treachery of the third echelon, his agencies, at investigation of murder of his daughter. And now your purpose is the revenge for the death of the daughter and disorder of the plot with terrorist purposes which threatens million people. You are waited for by a rich arsenal of weapon and regimentals, unique equipment of skill. You should act, killing all who will be in your way. As you not simply a soldier, but a professional murderer, use any opportunity to kill the enemy silently. So, for example, if actions happen in poorly shined place, creep to the enemy behind and liquidate him with one blow and not to be found ahead of time, hide behind boxes, barrels and other available shelters. If the opponent managed to approach too close, liquidate him by one well-aimed shot or break his neck. In a case if there’re more enemies in the battlefield– use him as a live board. During the game you will make various tricks, among which climbing on a rope and overcoming various obstacles. The game possesses is excellent with three-dimensional graphics and a quite good soundtrack.
Only for ARMv7.
Game demands cache downloading, but as different smartphones require different cache - you need wi-fi that the game could download cache suitable for your device.
What is Cache?
Cache - a collection of files (textures, music, video, official files) and folders that are required to run the game. So we can say that it is the main component of the game. Usually the cache are games that have high resolution.
What is it for?
Cash is needed to start and complete the work game. Assume that game, for example, 1 gigabyte in size would be in one file apk, then your smart phone would simply not be enough internal memory for its installation. It is also due to the variety of iron: videuskoriteley, CPU, screen resolution, etc., there are different assembly cache, and therefore, in most cases, the cache is different under a certain phone. Choose a cache for your phone / platform.
There are situations that the game does not find the cache, or asks for something to continue downloading . This means that the incorrect path of the location cache. Need to make sure of the path where the cache is located. As well, sometimes you need to run the game to pass the verification: the game downloads the rest of the original files and writes the verification of existing - to continue downloading files from the Internet via Wi-Fi.
If you delete the game cache is not always deleted automatically! Sometimes the cache is deleted when you delete the game, sometimes not, and it stays in place. Look at the way in which the theme is the game cache and delete it manually through a third-party file manager.