J2meMap Java Application Description:
A MIDP interface to Google Map, allowing you to access to most of the Google Map features from your Mobile Phone:
* Track recording
* compass
* export/import files(KML/GPX/LOC) from internet
* export/import files(KML/GPX/LOC) from bluetooth
* export/import files(KML/GPX/LOC) from local filesystem
* upload geotagged pictures to Flickr
* mashup with wikimapia, Flickr,...
* Extended KML support!
* Put google MyMpas on your mobile, including picture.... And too many to be descirbed here!
* Browse the complete world
* Switch from map mode to satellite mode
* Access to Google,MSN Local, Yahoo!Map and Ask.com maps...
* Save your favorite location
* Search for locations near you
* Find directions
* Can be customized with your own data
* Can be connected to a GPS through Bluetooth
* Support of GPX file format upload
* Support of touch screen if available....