iSearch Symbian Application Description:
iSearch speeds up the task of searching for stuff on the mighty Internet. Type a word to search for and click the service of your choice and the widget launches the phone’s browser and loads the result. The widget remembers the last thing that you searched for and displays it in the text box when you start the widget next time.
TIP! To make searching even faster you can set one of the services as default so that when you hit the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard the widget launches the search right away. You set the default by clicking the ‘Enter’ symbol on the right end of the buttons.
Quickly launch searches for
* web sites google, bing
* images google, flickr, bing
* video youtube
* tweets twitter
* facts wikipedia
* news google news
* dictionary definr
* shopping ebay, amazon
* movies imdb
* lyrics lyricwiki
* more services will be added according to users wishes
* N97 homescreen support – just a big button, a limitation of the homescreen
* remembers the last search
* user definable default service
* setting for Auto-close launching a search – NEW!