Download Free Android Application Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos

Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos
Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android ApplicationSecurity All2.9 MB29 Dec, 2013

Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android Application Description:

Let's face it— we all have stuff on our phones we'd like to keep to ourselves, like pics, videos, SMS, contacts, even Facebook messages and apps, but how can we protect them when someone attempts to access and read our phones? Vault makes it easy to fully control over your privacy. Download today and stop worrying about your private content falling into the wrong hands. Top News! The anonymous picture sharing community ----Vaulto Gallery is coming! Main Features: Vaulto Gallery [NEW]: Users can now share their private photos for a limited time and view photos shared by other Vault community members anonymously. Each picture is visible for no more than 10 seconds before being erased completely & permanently. ● App Lock: Email, Facebook, Skype, Tango, Instagram, Amazon, Candy Crush…any apps you choose to lock will be protected with a password, if someone try to use your locked app, she/he must enter the correct password in order to open it. And for premium user, you can select unlimited apps to lock and also enable the Camouflage App Lock to make your locked apps appear like it is crashed. ● Photos & videos protection: All files will be hidden into a private place and can only be viewed in Vault after entering the correct password. Allow users to manually select and import photos but also have the function that can automatically mark all your still visible photos and remind you to import them. ● Contacts/SMS/Call logs protection: allow users to create “private contact”, and all messages and calls from the contact “disappear” from the phone, almost as if the contact never exists. Vault hides text message and suppresses incoming message alert. ● Facebook Messages: Do you worry about your Facebook messages being seen by your friends' friends? Worry no more. Vault can hide the Facebook messages that you rather keep to yourself. Simply open Messages and chat privately. ● Break-In Attempts (premium): it photographs anyone who enters the wrong password to attempt your Vault, without the intruder knowing it. Help to monitor who access the phone and when such attempt was made. This feature requires an Android 2.3 (or higher) device with a front-facing camera. ● Fake Vault (premium): create a decoy vault to protect the real one. If someone insists to see the content in your Vault, just show them the ‘fake’ one. ● Vault Online (Premium): back up your Vault files to NQ’s private cloud space. Data is securely encrypted and can only be accessed by you. ● Stealth Mode (Premium): allows users to completely hide Vault’s icon on the phone’s home screen. When stealth mode is on, Vault’s icon will disappear. And it can be opened again by entering your password from within the phone dialer. More about Vault: Since the launch, Vault has been the most popular app of its kind on the market today, with over 10 million users worldwide. 1. May, 2012, NQ Mobile Vault was selected as the Best App of CTIA by the Techlicious 2012 Best of CTIA Awards. 2. July, 2012, NQ Mobile Vault awarded PC Magazine Best Apps 3. October, 2012, NQ Mobile Vault for Android was selected as a top 50 app at the Global Mobile Internet Conference App Space. 4. May, 2013, NQ Mobile Vault received TRUSTe Seal.

Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android Application Details:

For Android OS v2.1 and higher

How to Install Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android Application on your Device from PC

  • Download the Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android Application installation file.
  • Move downloaded file to your phone.
  • Then run the installation file of the Vault-Hide SMS, Pics & Videos Android Application.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

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Urwah Javed
(Posted On: 30 Dec, 2014)

It really works fantasticSmile


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