Download Free Java Application Supplications-Dua

Supplications-Dua Java ApplicationReligious 240 x 320 pixels97 KB18 Nov, 2011

Supplications-Dua Java Application Description:

Islamic Supplications/Dua/Prayers For Cell/Mobile Phones - FREE Read and Search the Islamic Supplications/Dua on the mobile phone(Cell Phones, Windows Mobile, Pocket Pc, Symbian OS, Blackberry) in Arabic and English. It has 99 Prophet's Muhammad (pbuh) Prayers/Supplications/Dua/Salaat. Supplication (Du'a) is truly the essence of sincere worship. It connects us with our Creator, and it is a practical expression of our persisting need for Almighty Allah (SWT) in all our affairs. Alway keep Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua Software in your Mobile Phone. Compatible Mobile Phones: Compatible with all Mobile phones like Nokia, Sony Erricson, Motorolla, Samsung, LG, Windows Mobile, Imate, HTC, Blackberry, Symbian OS and many more. Please install the Islamic Supplications in all the mobile phones of your friends and family. Please also add it in the online directories and forums. May Allah reward you for it. About Islamic Supplications/Dua: The software has the following 99 Supplications/Dua: 1. Morning & Evening 2. Sleeping Difficulty 3. Bad/Good Dream 4. On awakening 5. Enter Toilet 6. Exit Toilet 7. Wudu Beginning 8. During Wudu 9. Wudu Completion 10. Fajr prayer 11. Enter Masjid 12. After praying in Masjid 13. Athan Hearing 14. Muazzin Hearing 15. Witr prayer 16. Forenoon prayer 17. After Fajr & Maghrib 18. Entering ones home 19. Leaving House 20. Market Entry 21. Buying/Selling 22. Before Meals 23. After Meals 24. Lifting Table Cloth 25. Drinking milk 26. Meal time at someone 27. Leaving host's residence 28. Drinking water 29. Drinking Zam Zam 30. Breaking Fast 31. After Iftaar 32. Iftaar at someone's place 33. When Dressing 34. Wearing new clothes 35. Seeing a Muslim in new clothes 36. Looking in mirror 37. Bride Arrival 38. New Animal Arival 39. Congratulating Bridegroom 40. Intention to be with wife 41. Upon emission of sperm 42. Child begins to talk 43. Sighting New moon 44. Duas concering journeys 45. Someone's in difficulty 46. Seeing a muslim laughing 47. Fearing the enemy 48. Enemy surrounds 49. Before rising from a gathering 50. When you're in difficulty 51. Wealth Progression 52. Dua for Night of Power 53. Loving someone/when one helps 54. When one sees things one loves 55. Emotion fills the heart 56. Something is lost 57. When one talks too fast 58. Eating new fruit of the season 59. At time of anger 60. Hearing a donkey or a dog 61. Dua for rain 62. When one sees heavy clouds 63. At the time of rain 64. Rain exceeding the limits 65. At the time of thunder 66. At the time of heavy wind 67. Talbiya of Hajj 68. Dua read at Arafat 69. When making Tawaaf 70. When making Qurbani 71. When meeting another Muslim 72. Returning Salaam 73. Sneezing 74. Hearing someone sneeze 75. Upon thought of a bad omen 76. Dua to pay off debts 77. Dua after salaat of need 78. Istikhara 79. Visiting the sick 80. For any calamity 81. The cure of any illness 82. To soothe ill children 83. Dua when one is ill 84. When death is eminent 85. When soul leaving the body 86. When soul has left the body 87. Going to deceased's house 88. When someone's child dies 89. When burrying the dead 90. When entering the cemetery 91. When consoling someone 92. At the time of fire 93. When animal becomes sick 94. For pain of the eye 95. For kidney/uninary problems 96. When fever/pain increases 97. Dua on a burn injury 98. When down/depressed 99. Istikhara for marriage

How to Install Supplications-Dua Java Application on your Device from PC

  • Download the Supplications-Dua Java Application installation file.
  • Move downloaded file to your phone.
  • Then run the installation file of the Supplications-Dua Java Application.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

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