To-Do-o-List Java Application Description:
To-Do-O is a simple to-do list organizer for eSWT capable mobile phones.
Version 1.11.4 released.
- Fix crash in Windows version:
- Fix items being moved as sub items of themselves issue on Windows:
- Fix one way Windows sync problem:
Version 1.11.3 released.
- Fix enabled state setting for date actions.
- Move clear selection entry to SWT versions.
- Do not display item move delay selector for SWT versions.
- Fix sync between two SWT instances.
- Fix layout of tree merge dialog on Maemo.
- Fix sizing issues of settings shell on embedded devices.
Version 1.11.2 released.
- Improve reliability during sync.
- Fix Drag and Drop support.
- New features include: – option for automatic line breaks in SWT version,
- functionality for adding dates,
- and the option to sort the displayed items in the desktop widget.