Easy Reject Symbian Application Description:
What do you need Easy Reject for
Keep a person off your mobile life – ER will filter both calls and short-messages from this contact. You will not be disturbed any more.
Not get disturbed by low priority calls – you may wish not to pick up the call from a specific contact at the moment but not be impolite by leaving the phone ringing.
Stop callers whose numbers cannot be retrieved
Protect from call & SMS SPAM if you receive a lot of advertisement calls andor junk SMS.
Keep your SMS communication private – messages will be filtered with no sound or light indication. However, note that calls from this person will be rejected as well.
Easy Reject competitive features:
* Indicator on your phone’s status bar which shows when ER is active
* Auto-start mode
* Blocked messages can be easily viewed and restored
* Various contact import options – import from phone log, import from phonebook, manual import
* Full reject entry log with a detail screen for each reject entry.