Download Free Android Application SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher

SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher
SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android ApplicationLaunchers All2.5 MB11 Jun, 2013

SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android Application Description:

Update SSKIN Butterfly By users, For users !! It is easy enough for anyone to use the SSKIN Butterfly+ (plus) SSKIN Butterfly+ (plus) provides ‘Creating the folder in the menu, Changing the style of individual icons, Copying the home screen setting of the other launcher’ - New Functions of the SSKIN Butterfly+(plus) 1. Copying the home screen setting of the other launcher You can use same layout of icons located in the home screen of other launcher. After installing the launcher, you can use it. But it may not work in some of the launcher. 2. Changing the style of individual icons You can change the icon style of all icons by using SSKIN theme icons and gallery images. (Application Menu List>menu (usually the left button)> Change Icon). 3. Creating the folder in the menu Just drag and drop icons makes it easy to create a folder. (Application List> menu (usually the left button)> Edit> Create a folder the same as in Main) 4. function of Frequently used application This emphasise the functions of frequently used application. When you look at the list of application it appears unclear for apps which are not used often, and on the other hand apps that is used often appears very clearly. 5. Extended Dock Bar You can now add up to 9 applications to your Dock Bar. (Flick your dock bar to see the applications you added) 6. Opacity Level of Widget and icons You can set the level of opacity of widget clocks and icons as well as live wallpaper at the home screen. (Scroll up of the home screen dock bar to see the setting window) 7. Advanced Program Manager You can manage programs that are current running in an application window. (Application>”Storage” in the bottom) - What is the SSKIN Widget, Liveback Theme (= a Multi wallpaper or a Live wallpaper)? The SSKIN Widget is a widget that the SSKIN Theme provides. Every theme has its own design that goes with its theme. In this SSKIN Widget, you have A Digital Clock, An Analog Clock, a Search Bar, and a Program Monitor. Have you ever wanted to have a wallpaper that changes? Here you can see the SSKIN that has a live wallpaper In this SSKIN live wallpaper, you have A Live wallpaper and a Multi wallpaper.

SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android Application Details:

For Android OS v2.1 and higher

How to Install SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android Application on your Device from PC

  • Download the SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android Application installation file.
  • Move downloaded file to your phone.
  • Then run the installation file of the SSKIN Butterfly+ Launcher Android Application.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

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