Urban Dictionary 7 Windows Application Description:
Learn the slang of the interwebs!
Urban Dictionary 7 is a Windows Phone application that lets you browse the content of the UrbanDictionary.com site. That site collects definitions for various slang, pop-culture and “internet†terms.
Also, enjoy “Urban Zen†– an almost hypnotic slideshow of dictionary terms and images.
Urban Dictionary 7 is unoffcial – it is not affiliated with the UrbanDictionary.com site.
Vote for what new features you want to see (in the app)
If you want an ad-free version of the app, there’s one in the marketplace called “Urban Dictionary 7 Ad Freeâ€Â.
Version History:
New in 2.8:
* You can now translate terms to other languages.
New in 2.6/2.7:
- You can now see “Terms of the year†– terms you voted on in the app.
- Some bugs fixed.
- Urban Zen is working again.
New in 2.5:
We introduced a bunch of bugs with the previous release. Hopefuly we fixed them.
Urban Dictionary 7 Windows Application Details:
Works with
Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 7.5
Windows Phone 7
App requires
phone identity
owner identity
photo, music, and video libraries
data services
HD720P (720×1280)
WVGA (480×800)
WXGA (768×1280)