BanglaSMS Java Application Description:
Ever wished to express yourself just as you wanted to while sending sms? Ever missed writing in sweet Bangla to your friends from your mobile phone? Never felt like learning new key layout to write Bangla? Bet, you will love BanglaSMS then :)
The software is self-contained. Just install it into your mobile phone and tell your friends to install it and there you go! All the GSM networks like Grameen Phone, Banglalink, Teletalk or Aktel users can use BanglaSMS to send sms in Bangla.
Oh, by the way, you know what? On 21st February 2009, the great International Mother Language Day, we have released version 2.0.0 as open source (and of course completely free). So who knows, may be you or your friend will write codes to make it even better.