Yahoo Mail Java Application Description:
Timing is everything.
Here’s the thing about email: you've got to get it on time. Invites, phone numbers, directions, party photos—if you can’t check your inbox, you could miss out. Think of how much more productive, informed, and happy you would be if you could get to your email, and your favorite features, on your phone—at any time.
Even your phone can get mail..
Complicated? It’s a no-brainer. If you’ve got a data plan, just sign into Yahoo! Mail from your phone’s browser, and there’s your mail. Send, search, receive, reply to friends, family, the boss, your personal trainer—whenever you want.
# Top Mail features: Access all of your favorite desktop mail features: read, reply, compose, send, and more
# No setup necessary: Just type the URL into your mobile browser
# Always in sync with your PC mail: Yahoo! automatically synchronizes your desktop and mobile email
# Address book and contact management: Access your Yahoo! Address Book to look up and/or to add contact info
# Attachments: View Microsoft® Office, PDFs, and popular photo files
# Folder access & management: Access your personal mail folders and organize messages by customizable groups.